November 27, 2014
By Valecia Weeks
Special to the NNPA from the Houston Forward-Times
They say that you are the food that you eat. Well, what if I told you that you are the food that you wear? Today there is a new trend and it includes “slathering” food on your face. It’s been proven that taking natural foods from the very kitchen that we eat from and using them as a topical treatment can keep our skin looking healthy and pretty. Just imagine how attractive you will look when you spread natural honey all over your face and sprinkle dried oatmeal on it…a look to die for. Well, below are some foods that can be used to do just that:
Honey – Not just any ol’ store bought honey but the “real thang”. If you can, find some locally produced, raw honey that has not been pasteurized. Because it is unprocessed, raw honey has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, which are great for keeping your skin clean and clear from blemishes as well as acne. It is said that good ol’ raw honey was used during World War II on open wounds to keep them clear from infection. Honey is also a natural agent which seals in moisture and keeps your skin hydrated.
Egg – Both the egg yolks and the egg whites are wonder for your skin. The yellow yolks have a high level of vitamin A, which aids in the skin repairing itself. It also contains an agent called lecithin, which softens skin. The whites of the egg contains over 40 proteins, as well as an abundance of water and can be used to help tighten the skin.
Yogurt or Milk – both of these products contain lactic acid. This type of acid acts as an excellent exfoliant. The vitamin-B in these dairy products also provide additional antioxidant benefits for the skin. Adding a little ground nutmeg to your yogurt or milk exfoliant can give you a natural microdermabrasion.
Lemons – or grapefruit, or oranges, or even kiwi can help clear extra oil from the skin. For those who are bothered with dark spots, this maybe your answer. Rubbing citrus fruits on your skin’s dark spots supposedly will brighten the skin tone. The acid in citrus fruits works as an exfoliant that helps the cells regenerate themselves. It is important to use a moisturizer after using foods high in acid on your face so that the important oils that have been stripped from skin will be replaced.
Oatmeal – When oatmeal is ground into a fine powder, it is great for anti-inflammatory skin treatment, which makes it exceptionally good for skin disorders such as excema. When it is mixed with water or a natural healthy oil, it can be made into a paste and placed on the affected area.
Sugar: Sugar is a great exfoliant and helps you get rid of the dry skin patches. Mix with a little olive oil for best overall results.
Oils: The oil cleansing method is quickly becoming a must-do for problem skin. As strange as it sounds, it’s even recommended for oily skin. The oil cleansing method (OCM) is based upon the concept that oil attracts oil and requires that castor oil become the basis for cleaning. By using castor oil on the skin, you are pulling the nasty hard oil your skin produced away from your skin and replacing with good healthy oil that repairs your skin. To get the most benefit, castor oil should be mixed with another oil.
For oily skin, use sunflower or sweet almond oil.
For dry skin, use avocado or apricot kernel oil
For normal skin, use grape seed or jojoba oil.