December 15, 2022
By Wendy Gladney
As we celebrate the holidays and begin the countdown to the New Year many of us will think about the things that were on our to-do-list twelve months ago that we had hoped to get accomplish but failed. They say, if you want to see God laugh tell him your plans. The proverbial expression adapted from the Robert Burns poem, “To a Mouse,” regarding the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry, is so true. No matter how detailed or good intentioned we are with our plans, there are some things in life that are out of our control and can make our plans unsuccessful. Some of the things that were on our list that we failed to achieve was because we lost focus or because they were just not meant to be.
As I reflected on this year, I came to the conclusion that this was a successful year for me because I made an intentional choice that 2022 was going to be my “Season of Greatness”. I accomplished many of my goals because I was focused on what I knew was truly necessary. Whenever we do self-reflection it should include a mirror and not a window. The window is what we look out of and blame others for our failures, but the mirror forces us to look at ourselves and be honest. In January of this year, I took the mirror test and realized I had to focus on Wendy. I understood that in 2020 and parts of 2021 the pandemic caused me to lose a little of my focus. The pandemic was the root-cause, but my symptoms were fatigue, poor sleeping habits, sedentary behavior, and the loss of loved ones. So, in 2022, I decided my focus would be on continuing to become my best self. Not in a selfish way, but in a way that helped me improve my relationship with my husband, family, friends, clients, and others.
It was an inward focus that allowed me to be more productive, innovative, and creative. By focusing on myself, I did not forsake or forget others, my personal values nor my walk with the Lord. When I speak about focusing on Wendy, I mean eliminating distractions, getting more and better sleep, focusing on the moment and getting in overall better health. In my, “Season of Greatness,” I worked smarter, not just harder, I got better not bitter, I fixed problems rather than fixing the blame and I truly let go and let God. I believe if we decide what we really want in life and focus on making it happen we can accomplish anything.
As we close out another year and prepare for 2023, where will your focus be? When I talk about focus, I mean what will you be giving most of your attention to. Will it be to something or to someone? What will you be willing to share with others, sacrifice to improve yourself or serve something or someone you have been running away from. Here are a few things to focus on to make 2023 your best year ever. First, remember if God brought you to it, He will bring you through it. Second, tough times do not last, but tough people do. Third, when you quit you fail. So do not quit! Fourth, life is short, enjoy it while you have it and finally, do what is right, not what is easy. Focusing on your faith, family, friends, finances, fitness and forgiving those who have wronged you are also good things to focus on moving forward. Here is to closing out this year strong and setting the foundation for a prosperous 2023.
Healing Without Hate: It's a choice. It's a lifestyle. Pass it on.
Visit and to learn more. Wendy is a life strategist, coach, consultant, author, and speaker.