December 29, 2022
By Wendy Gladney
My grandmother had little sayings and phrases that she would tell her children, grandchildren, and probably anyone that would listen. The other day, one of my cousins reminded me of one of them.
As we were talking about family stuff, she said, “Do you remember when Mother Dear would say, ‘if you suit up, show up, something is bound to turn up.’” I stopped and thought for a while, and I remembered my grandmother saying that statement several times.
She would also say, sometimes opportunities do not always go to the smartest person or to the one you think should get something, but it may go to the one who is consistent, dependable, and shows up.
I know for a fact that I have not always been the smartest person in the room, or even possibly the most qualified, but no one was going to beat me at suiting up, showing up, and my grandmother was right, things would turn up. Life is interesting in that it is not always about who is able to do something, but rather who makes themselves available.
There are a lot of talented people in this world that have special gifts, but they never make themselves available to fulfill a specific need. God can take our availability and turn it into something magical when we are willing to give something or someone our best.
All of us reach a point where we are not sure about ourselves, that is normal. Sometimes we go left when we should have turned right, and we get a little confused on our journey. We may not even be sure or clear about what direction we should be going in, but do not give up. If you continue to try and give life your best, and keep showing up for yourself and others, something will eventually turn up.
Continue to take baby steps if you must, just do not stop. I have had to pivot several times personally and professionally over the past six decades, but what I have learned is that we can take our mistakes or stumbling blocks and turn them into steppingstones to where we are supposed to go. It is all about our perspective and attitude.
As we close out one year and begin the journey into a new one, there are many things we need to let go of and leave behind. Make up your mind that you are not going to carry unnecessary baggage, past mistakes, hard aches, negative thoughts, and unforgiveness into 2023.
Let us be determined that we are going to show up for ourselves and put on our best suit (this represents our internal and external self), and I guarantee you that something positive will happen for you, even if it starts with just a better attitude about yourself and life. If you need help, I am here for you. The best can still be yet to come.
When we make up our minds there is nothing we cannot accomplish. The road may seem a little slow, but you will get there. Along your journey when you can bring others along, you will not get lonely and you may just be what they needed in their life. I try to practice doing all the good I can, to all the people I can, while I can, and something great always turns up. Happy New Year!
Healing Without Hate: It's a choice. It's a lifestyle. Pass it on.
Visit and to learn more. Wendy is a life strategist, coach, consultant, author, and speaker.